January 2013 archive

Jan 13

“Dear EzzROAR,” “Dear Anthill”: Ezra Pound, George Antheil and the Complications of Patronage

 This piece was originally published in Music and Literary Modernism—Critical Essays and Comparative Studies. Edited by Robert McParland. New York: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. 66-86. I am posting it here in honor of Aaron Swartz. RIP. Dear EzzROAR Dear Anthill Templeton  

Jan 09


I had been thinking of acquiring my own domain name for a while now, but attending the MLA last week crystalized my decision to do it. I’m not entirely sure why or what prompted it, but I decided that if eetempleton.com was available, I’d finally claim it. If it wasn’t, I’d curl up in a… Continue Reading Welcome