Week 9 was a hard week. It opened with a solar eclipse, which I had traveled to Columbia to view in its totality. I wasn’t sure whether I should make the trip give the looming semester and the hectic week before, but YOLO. I got up early Monday morning, and it was still really hot.… Continue Reading Richmond Week 9: Total Eclipse
August 2017 archive
Aug 20
Richmond: Week 8, Welcome (back) to Swelterville
Week 8 required more flexibility with my training schedule. I flew back from Amsterdam on Tuesday, and the trip took 20+ hours from the time that I left my hotel room at the Amsterdam Renaissance until I unlocked my front door. Most of that time was spent sitting or waiting, or sitting and waiting. But… Continue Reading Richmond: Week 8, Welcome (back) to Swelterville
Aug 14
Richmond Week 7: Amsterdam
A work trip forced me to take my training on the road this week. I went to Amsterdam for a conference, and that required me to make some adjustments and be a bit flexible. But it was also a wonderful opportunity to get out of the heat and swelter of the South Carolina summer and… Continue Reading Richmond Week 7: Amsterdam
Aug 10
Richmond: Week 6
Week Six got slightly lost in the shuffle because I’ve been traveling, so I’m going to try to be brief here. But I don’t want to lose all momentum in this process of blogging my training. This week was not quite as hot as week 5, but the humidity was still a factor. It ws… Continue Reading Richmond: Week 6