Tag: Paterson

Dec 27

Paterson: An Epic in Four or Five or Six Parts

“Paterson: An Epic in Four or Five or Six Parts” The essay linked here was published in the Cambridge Companion to William Carlos Williams. Edited by Christopher MacGowan, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2016.  

Nov 28

Books For Which I Am Thankful

Image of bookshelves on left and right with light shining in the center

I came across one of those listicles this morning where 12 authors gave thanks for a book and really liked that idea a lot, but I couldn’t come up with just one book. The more I thought about it, the more books I came up with, some for personal reasons; others have been important professionally.… Continue Reading Books For Which I Am Thankful

May 06

“The eternal bride and father—quid pro quo”: William Carlos Williams, Marcia Nardi and Paterson

  The essay linked to here was originally published in The Heritages of William Carlos Williams: Points of Contact. Edited by Ian D. Copestake, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007. 80-100. The images above, photographs of the dust jacket of Kora in Hell, are relevant to the contents of the article. Specifically, I discuss the significance of the center… Continue Reading “The eternal bride and father—quid pro quo”: William Carlos Williams, Marcia Nardi and Paterson