Category: Wellness

Aug 05

Another trial

I haven’t run a step since Thursday morning. That’s five days. FIVE. In fact, I haven’t walked many steps either. I haven’t driven at all, and I’ve only left my house once, last night, thanks to a friend who came and picked me up. I don’t know what the problem is yet, but a weekend planted… Continue Reading Another trial

Dec 04

Runner Profile: Spartanburg Running Club December 2013

  How many miles per week? It depends–ideally somewhere around 40.   Cross-Training: My primary cross-training activity is walking my dog Parker, a Shar-pei mix from the Spartanburg Humane Society. She gets excited as soon as I put on my running shoes because she knows that when I come back from a run, it is… Continue Reading Runner Profile: Spartanburg Running Club December 2013