Category: Scott Walker

Feb 27

Weekend Reading: #thedress edition

Happy Friday ProfHackers! The above picture not The Dress, but it is A dress, and I couldn’t resist the shot. If you haven’t seen the dress, click the previous link. Or go to Facebook. Or Twitter. Or pretty much anywhere else online. And then, if you care why no one can agree on the colors, check out this piece on WiredThe Atlantic posted a piece that uses #thedress as a stepping stone to think about attention policing.

And in case you missed it, there was llama drama in AZ. The Twittersphere…

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Feb 13

Weekend Reading: Be My Valentine Edition



Happy Valentine’s Day, ProfHackers! If you are haven’t gotten flowers yet for that someone special, Time gives us “5 Things to Know About Buying Flowers on Valentine’s Day.”

For the cynics among us, “6 Totally Unromantic Truths About Valentine’s Day Spending.” Here’s a hint: if you wait until February 15, you can buy those conversation hearts for half price.

If you are looking for a movie to watch: 9 Movies on Netflix to Match Your Valentine’s Day Mood. In addition to the list, you might cons…

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