September 17, 1996. It’s not a date that stands out in our collective cultural memory. At least it didn’t stand out in mine. I had to look it up this afternoon. September 17, 1996. I was about 3 weeks into my Masters degree at Penn State. I was a month shy of my 24th birthday.… Continue Reading #Enough
Category: Editorial
Jun 09
2017 Revisited.
In the beginning of 2017, I set myself some goals. I hadn’t looked back at them in a while, maybe not since writing that post six months ago. How am I doing at the half-way point? The big goal–the public writing goal–has been a failure. I’ve journaled A LOT. In fact, I’ve filled up another… Continue Reading 2017 Revisited.
Jan 03
2017 Goals
Putting these out into the world to make myself accountable. Run. Follow the plan. Stop adding extra on purpose, recognizing that this is one of the ways that you get yourself into trouble. Listen to yourself. Pay attention to the niggles and be honest about what is uncomfortable and what is something more. Pay attention,… Continue Reading 2017 Goals
Nov 01
On Ropes Courses & Platforms
I’ve been thinking about ropes courses lately. Not ropes courses in general, but the high ropes course that I’ve had occasion to do a couple of times with groups of incoming first-year students in 2010 and 2011. I like to think that I’m not afraid of many things, but I am afraid of heights. The idea… Continue Reading On Ropes Courses & Platforms
Nov 17
The War on Christmas, Or Red Cups and Refugees
I originally posted this to my FB page, but I decided that it should also live here. I try to keep religion off my Facebook, but I have to get this off my chest. It probably won’t be here for very long. But here goes (update: I guess it’s sticking around. the FB settings for… Continue Reading The War on Christmas, Or Red Cups and Refugees
Apr 01
Open Thread Wednesday: the Cloud
The Cloud is where it’s at. This is probably not news to anyone who reads ProfHacker. We’ve talked about cloud storage for years: Dropbox, Spider Oak, Google Drive, and Copy. There are also other options like Apple’s iCloud and Microsoft’s OneDrive.
Now Amazon is upping the ante. Amazon Prime membership ($99 or $49 for students) already includes unlimited photo storage and an additional 5GB for video and files. Now, for an additional $60 a year, Amazon Cloud Drive is offering “Unlimited Everyt…
Mar 27
Weekend Reading: Out Like a Lamb (?) Edition
As March draws to a close, maybe you are back from your break. Maybe, you are still gearing up. Wherever you are in your academic term, we hope that the allergy gods smile, or that it finally stops snowing. Or both.
From The Chronicle of Higher Ed, a story about Trinity College in Washington D. C.: ”How an Elite Women’s College Lost Its Base and Found Its Mission.” And earlier this week, coverage of Sweet Briar continued with “Scenes from the Death of a College” and “Sweet Briar Alumnae Outline…
Continue Reading Weekend Reading: Out Like a Lamb (?) Edition
Mar 20
Weekend Reading: Bring on the Madness Edition
It’s Friday, ProfHackers–we’ve made it through another week. Do you have a bracket? Is it busted? Already?
I came across a post this week titled “A Parents’ Guide to All That Ed Tech in the Classroom: What to ask when your school says the iPads are coming.” Obviously intended for parents, this post is actually a helpful starting point for anyone who is considering incorporating more technology into an educational environment, whether parent, student, faculty member or administrator.
From Salo…
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Mar 06
Weekend Reading: In Like a Lion Edition
Welcome to the weekend, ProfHackers.
The higher ed landscape was rocked this week with the news of the imminent closure of Sweet Briar College. Inside Higher Ed broke the news on Tuesday afternoon. In the aftermath of the announcement, many questions are being asked. The Christian Science Monitor asks, “Are Women’s Colleges Still Relevant?” (Disclosure, I teach at a women’s college, so for me the answer is a resounding YES). Bloomberg View asserts that Sweet Briar is closing “the right way.” In…
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