I can’t tell you how relieved I am this evening. I have finally had a really good week of running, my first in a while. Maybe my first since Victoria in June. Let me clarify: I’ve had some “Not Terrible” weeks since June, but summer in South Carolina renders much else pretty much impossible. Amsterdam… Continue Reading Richmond Week 14: Wheels Up
Tag: Openness
Sep 09
Warming Up. And Melting Down. Or Richmond Week 11.
I usually try to post positive things about my running. But today sucked. And it sucked hard. I’m in Pennsylvania this weekend for a wedding. I was supposed to run an easy 6 today and a hard 16 tomorrow, but since tomorrow is a travel day, I swapped. This isn’t the first time, and it… Continue Reading Warming Up. And Melting Down. Or Richmond Week 11.
Sep 03
Richmond Week 10: Back to School
Week Ten was hard. I didn’t really expect it to be hard. That was probably naive of me. Classes started this week, so there are suddenly many, many more demands on my time and attention than there were even a week ago. This shift isn’t a new thing. I’m entering my eleventh year at Converse,… Continue Reading Richmond Week 10: Back to School
Jun 26
And Away We Go! Or, Marathon Four: Richmond (November 2017)
I started training for my fourth marathon this morning. I usually don’t write about my marathons until they’re over. Partly, this is because as much as I love running and training for races, I know that it’s not very interesting to anyone who isn’t me or isn’t also training for a marathon. But the bigger… Continue Reading And Away We Go! Or, Marathon Four: Richmond (November 2017)
Jun 09
2017 Revisited.
In the beginning of 2017, I set myself some goals. I hadn’t looked back at them in a while, maybe not since writing that post six months ago. How am I doing at the half-way point? The big goal–the public writing goal–has been a failure. I’ve journaled A LOT. In fact, I’ve filled up another… Continue Reading 2017 Revisited.
Jan 03
2017 Goals
Putting these out into the world to make myself accountable. Run. Follow the plan. Stop adding extra on purpose, recognizing that this is one of the ways that you get yourself into trouble. Listen to yourself. Pay attention to the niggles and be honest about what is uncomfortable and what is something more. Pay attention,… Continue Reading 2017 Goals
Nov 01
On Ropes Courses & Platforms
I’ve been thinking about ropes courses lately. Not ropes courses in general, but the high ropes course that I’ve had occasion to do a couple of times with groups of incoming first-year students in 2010 and 2011. I like to think that I’m not afraid of many things, but I am afraid of heights. The idea… Continue Reading On Ropes Courses & Platforms
Aug 02
A Gut Check?
Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life. Not really. Yesterday was, however, the first day of my next training cycle in which I gun for the California International Marathon on December 4. I’m distinctly unsure about this race. Partly because I have a nagging shin splint that has been hanging around… Continue Reading A Gut Check?
Sep 28
A bit of despair.
I am grateful for all the people in my life who care about how I’m doing as my foot heals from a metatarsal stress fracture, which I incurred on July 31, 2015. I’m grateful. I really am. But I’m having a more and more difficult time answering questions about my recovery (or lack thereof). What… Continue Reading A bit of despair.
Feb 13
Open Professoriat: Public Intellectuals on the Social Web (Repost from MLA11)
[This post was originally online at eetempleton.wordpress.com.] In my contribution to the MLA Roundtable, which is titled, “Openness: Too much is Never Enough? Or, at What Cost?”, I am interested in interrogating the term “Open Professoriat.” I want to think about what the term might mean and what it might look like. Like the term, “digital… Continue Reading Open Professoriat: Public Intellectuals on the Social Web (Repost from MLA11)