Race week. Tapering brings out all the feels. So does finding out that someone hit your car over the weekend and neglected to leave a note. So some, okay a lot, of my energy during the week was taken up by dealing with getting my car fixed (the damage turned out to be cosmetic,… Continue Reading Richmond Week 20: The Big Dance
Tag: marathon
Nov 06
Richmond Week 19: Taper Madness
Tapering. Yes. 34.8 miles this week. After the last several weeks of 50+ miles, this week was a piece of cake, at least when it came to the legs. As for the rest, it was in like a lamb and out like a lion (Yes, I know it’s usually the other way around). Sometimes, I’m… Continue Reading Richmond Week 19: Taper Madness
Oct 23
Richmond Week 17: Take it to the Limit, One More Time
Week 16. This was the last of the heavy-lifting weeks of this training cycle. I ran 63 miles, some of them fast. I’m not sure why this image came up when I searched for “16,” but it spoke to me. I’m not sure whether this bird is about to take off or just settling in… Continue Reading Richmond Week 17: Take it to the Limit, One More Time
Jun 26
And Away We Go! Or, Marathon Four: Richmond (November 2017)
I started training for my fourth marathon this morning. I usually don’t write about my marathons until they’re over. Partly, this is because as much as I love running and training for races, I know that it’s not very interesting to anyone who isn’t me or isn’t also training for a marathon. But the bigger… Continue Reading And Away We Go! Or, Marathon Four: Richmond (November 2017)
Dec 28
My Year of Running: 2016
If the week goes as planned, I will have run about 1600 miles in 2016. And while that might sound like a lot, it’s less than I was shooting for this year, by a little over 400 miles. I took ten entire weeks off: two of those weeks were planned; eight of them were attempts… Continue Reading My Year of Running: 2016
Aug 02
A Gut Check?
Yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life. Not really. Yesterday was, however, the first day of my next training cycle in which I gun for the California International Marathon on December 4. I’m distinctly unsure about this race. Partly because I have a nagging shin splint that has been hanging around… Continue Reading A Gut Check?
Feb 15
Roadkill. Or, Marathon #3: Los Angeles
I usually like to include an image to set the tone for the post, but it seemed rather inappropriate to go looking for the kinds of pictures that this post would require: road kill, wreckage, breakdown . . . So no picture. Let’s get one thing out of the way: yesterday was not my day.… Continue Reading Roadkill. Or, Marathon #3: Los Angeles
Apr 16
Paris Marathon Race Report
“Please remember that you owe it to the fine things inside you to get the most out of them” –Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, in a letter to her husband dated March 1934. The Paris Marathon was on Sunday (12 April 2015). I had entered the lottery for the race a year ago. I registered on April… Continue Reading Paris Marathon Race Report
Apr 04
(Almost) Time for me to Fly
With thanks to REO Speedwagon. It’s almost time for me to fly. I mean that in two ways. The first is literal. I leave for the airport in a couple hours to head to Paris with two of my favorite colleagues, my mother, and 13 great students. We’re going as part of an Americans in… Continue Reading (Almost) Time for me to Fly
Dec 17
Closing the Book: an Update (A Good One)
My 2nd marathon was supposed to have been this past Saturday, but instead of celebrating the conclusion of a 20 week training cycle with a race, I “celebrated” the end of those 20 weeks with another doctor’s appointment yesterday morning. My 6th (with the orthopedist–this does not include the annual visits to the gynocologist, the dermatologist,… Continue Reading Closing the Book: an Update (A Good One)
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